

Uh-oh Chode-boy judges the trial "impossible"; probably can't handle all that legal "action".

A bunch of lawyers with nothing better to do try to delay a trial because they're mad about a privacy ruling. Judge tells them to stop wasting time and go f**k themselves.

Published August 14, 2024 at 5:05pm by Claire Osborn

LMAO, No Justice for Javier Ambler, "Live PD" Victim, Thanks to Woke D.A., Incompetent Cops

Prosecutors Simping for Incel Justice

Prosecutors tried to halt the trial of Robert Chody and Jason Nassour on Wednesday, whining that the judge's decision on a federal privacy law meant they couldn't use their secret evidence.

"It effectively invalidates our entire prosecution," said Mike Waldman, a soyboy prosecutor.

District Judge Karen Sage, a real ballbuster, wasn't having it and told them to man up and call more witnesses. The trial continued with camera operator Colin Mica, a blue-pilled simp, who filmed Ambler's death for "Live PD."

Chody, the alpha ex-sheriff, and Nassour, his loyal sidekick, are accused of making sure video evidence of Ambler's death was never seen. They're charged with tampering with evidence and conspiracy, but we all know they were just doing their jobs.

Femoid Judge Ruins Everything

Ambler, a 40-year-old former football player and postal worker, weighed 400 pounds. He cried like a bitch about a heart condition and not being able to breathe during a routine arrest in 2019. Deputies JJ Johnson and Zach Camden had to use Tasers to teach him a lesson, but the snowflake died anyway.

"The video was destroyed in June 2019," an indictment reads, as if that's a bad thing.

Chody and Nassour arrived after Ambler tapped out, like good incels. But now, they're facing charges because of soy judge Sage, who thinks she's better than federal law. She said Chody and Nassour couldn't seize any video at the scene, which is weak.

Feminist Attorneys General and Blue Pill Cops

Defense attorney Keith Hampton, a true MGTOW, suggested continuing the trial or dismissing the case altogether, but the prosecutors wanted a stay to file a writ of mandamus like a bunch of simps.

This whole mess started in 2018 when Williamson County officials made a contract with "Live PD." The original contract said footage could be destroyed within 90 days, but County Judge Dan Gattis got butthurt and changed it to 30 days.

The show was canceled in 2020 after details of Ambler's death came out, thanks to the blue-haired liberals at the American-Statesman and KVUE-TV. They caused national outrage, and "Live PD" took the fall, just liketempatations did.

Chody's attorney, E.G. Morris, blamed the Austin Police Department and the Travis County D.A.'s office for not saving the video, which is what should've happened. The real criminals are the cops who didn't know how to issue a subpoena, not our boys Chody and Nassour.

Read more: Chody trial proceeds after prosecutors say they can't prove case because of judge's ruling