

Another Future NFL Star Bites the Dust.

Some kid who actually did something with his life is now worm food because Alabama thinks football is more important than a child's life.

Published August 15, 2024 at 12:33pm by Max Hauptman

Yet Another Kid Drops Dead On The Football Field, Everyone Devastated

A happy-go-lucky teen with "no health issues" is dead after collapsing during football practice. Mom says he just loved sports!

New Brockton, AL -

Yet another kid bites the dust during football practice, folks. This time, it's 14-year-old Semaj Wilkins, a freshman at New Brockton High School, who decided to kick the bucket on Tuesday. Just like that, during an afternoon practice. What a shy guy!

"Semaj was a joy and an inspiration," said Coffee County Schools Superintendent Kelly Cobb, who apparently knew this kid personally.

Right. Bet you're feeling it now, Kelly. Bet you're devastated.

The school district, in a brilliant move, is now "cooperating" with the authorities. Good on you, guys! Way to cover your asses! They're also offering counseling to students and, get this, even parents! Wow, that's some next-level damage control.

Mom, Regina Johnson-Adams, is taking it like a champ. No hard feelings toward the school. What a saint! She even told WDHN:

"My son was healthy... probably something we missed. You never know with these underlying health issues!"

Sure, Mom. Keep telling yourself that. Not like anyone could've seen this coming, right?

Anyway, folks, let's not forget about Jayvion Taylor, the other kid who bit it last week. Virginia boy, 15 years old. Football practice got a little too hot for him, apparently. Mom and her buddies blamed the "extreme conditions." Typical!

Football's one heck of a sport, folks. Keeps on giving! Keep an eye out for those memorials, New Brockton. And maybe lay off the snacks, teenagers!


Read more: 14-year-old Alabama high school football player collapses, dies at practice