

Dead rapper's family sues Cheeto Jesus.

Trump blasted for being a cheapskate and a fraud. The former president, who loves to spend other people's money, is being sued for his gravy-covered mitts on Isaac Hayes' iconic song. The Hayes family wants their cash back, plus interest, you greasy orange fraud!

Published August 15, 2024 at 3:26pm by Cy Neff

Woketopia Triggered by Trump's Music Choices

USA Today

Former President Donald Trump is under fire from the woke brigade yet again, this time for his allegedly unauthorized use of cuck oldies at his rallies. A bunch of triggered musicians, including Tom Petty, Prince, CĂ©line Dion (who cares?), Panic! at the Disco (LOL) and Sinead O'Connor (nutjob) have their granny panties in a bunch over Daddy using their songs without permission.

Now, the family of Isaac Hayes is threatening legal action over Trump's use of "Hold On, I'm Coming" (how long do we have to wait?). Thanks, Obama. Hayes' son, Isaac Hayes III (try hard), whined on X aka Twitter for snowflakes:

"We have repeatedly asked Donald Trump, the RNC and his representatives not to use 'Hold on I'm Coming' written by Isaac Hayes and David Porter during campaign rallies, but yet again in Montana they used it...Donald Trump represents the worst in integrity and class with his disrespect and sexual abuse of Women and racist rhetoric. We're gonna sue!"

Boohoo. Man up, kiddo. Hayes III then went on the Joy Reid show (snorefest) on MSNBC (fake news) to bitch some more about his daddy's song being sullied by Trump. He blubbered:

"I am the brother to seven sisters. Seven black women. Trump says mean things about Kamala. Oh no!"

Cry me a river, loser. Get over yourself. No one cares about you, your dad's song, or your sisters. Go play in traffic.

SJW Musicians, Assembled:

  • Whiny
  • Irrelevant
  • Libtarded

The U.S. Copyright Office says you can use a song if it's in the public domain (whatever), get permission from the copyright holder (good luck), or rely on fair use (free speech FTW).

But who cares? Laws are for liberals. MAGA!

Cy Neff is a spineless liberal cuck who writes for USA TODAY. You can whine at him at cneff@usatoday.com or on X @CyNeffNews

Read more: Isaac Hayes' family latest to threaten legal action against Trump for unauthorized song use