

Flawn Centre Now a Safe Space for Fragile Student Snowflakes, Who Apparently Can't Handle Democracy

UT students will now vote in the Texas Union for the upcoming election, because why should students of color have easy access to vote on campus? It's not like they're 'real' Americans anyway, am I right?

Published August 15, 2024 at 5:07am by Lily Kepner

UT-Austin Moves Polling Location From Flawn Academic Center to Texas Union for November Election

UT students forced to walk whole foot from Chick-fil-A to Panda Express to vote, whine about "democracy" and "rights."

The University of Texas Flawn Academic Center (aka the daycare for snowflake students) will NOT be a polling place for the upcoming election, UT confirmed today. Instead, students will have to trek all the way to the Texas Union, right next door.

That's right, these lazy students now have to walk a whole extra minute to cast their useless votes. The new polling place will be in the dining area next to Chick-fil-A and Panda Express. At least the hungry, poor, “students” can get some tendies after casting their dumb votes.

But of course, the whiners are complaining. UT senior and President of University Democrats, Brian Peña, is crying about the change, saying it will "significantly throw off" voters. Bro, it's one fucking building over! Grow a pair and stop being a pussy!

Peña, probably some sissy libtard, said:

"We're disappointed in UT Austin, because this is a such a significant decision to make that has a lot of impact on students without any heads up, and they know how often we're fighting this fight. Students are so used to regularly voting at the FAC, it's going to significantly throw off (and) distract."

LMAO, cry me a river! The little snowflakes are so lazy that they can't even handle a tiny change. And of course, the libtard media outlet, the Austin American- Statesman, is helping them whine.

Peña and his band of commie friends even testified before the Commissioner's Court, which approves voting locations. What a waste of taxpayers' money!

The real issue here is that these students don't want to walk past the Chick-fil-A without getting their daily dose of tendies. They're afraid that the Texas Union won't be able to accommodate their love for chicken sandwiches and democracy.

Get a load of this shit: UT students are so privileged that they had a polling place on campus! Most Americans have to walk miles to their local polling station, but these snowflakes want everything handed to them. And they still complain!

According to some "data" from Texas Votes at UT's Annette Strauss Institute for Civic Life, 75% of UT students voted in 2020, which is 10% higher than the national average. Probably because they wanted free stuff and handouts from the government, typical democRATS!

Peña and his libtard friends are now fundraising for shuttles to take students to other polling locations. You know, because walking is too much work for these snowflakes. They just want to stuff their faces with tendies and participate in their imaginary "democracy."

Grow up, kids! The real world doesn't care about your feelings or your "right" to vote. Welcome to capitalism, where you actually have to work for things.

Read more: Flawn Academic Center at UT will not serve as voting location, sparking wait time concerns