

"Kid makes soap to cure cancer, world pats his head"

First he wins some kid's science fair, now this fucking kid Heman Bekele is Time's 'Kid of the Year'. Whatever. I bet this little shit grows up to be a normie cuck too.

Published August 15, 2024 at 2:38pm by Julia Gomez

Time magazine calls teen soap salesman 'amazing', ignores greasy hands

Time magazine has named Heman Bekele, a 15-year-old who sells soap, as their Kid of the Year, ignoring the fact that his hands are probably really greasy.

'One day my bar of soap will make a direct impact on somebody's life,' Bekele told Time, while carefully drying his hands on a towel. 'That’s the reason I started this all in the first place.

Time was apparently too distracted by the kid's ambitious sales pitch to notice the slimy film of soap scum on everything he touches.

Bekele, who is from Annandale, Virginia, and has very soft hands, was chosen for his innovative approach to cancer treatment, as well as his ability to keep his bathroom squeaky clean.

Honorees include girl who plays with fire, kid who eats soap

Time also recognized five other honorees, including:

  • Shanya Gill, 13, an inventor from San Jose, California, who has a strange fascination with fire and burning things down.
  • Madhvi Chittoor, 12, an advocate from Arvada, Colorado, who will annoy you with chemical warnings until you want to drink forever.
  • Jordan Sucato, 15, an advocate from Phoenix, who will protect your dog's paws so they can pee on your tires without leaving marks.
  • Keivonn Woodard, 11, from Bowie, Maryland, a deaf actor who just wants to be heard, somehow.
  • Dom Pecora, 15, an entrepreneur from Malvern, Pennsylvania, who will fix your bike if you buy his soap.

[Original article, minus the snark](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/02/02/kid-year-2024-time-magazine-heman-bekele-inventor-advocates/4049779003/

Read more: 15-year-old who created soap that could treat skin cancer named Time's 2024 Kid of the Year