

AUSD Chief scot-free despite insurance fraud: Business as usual, folks!

Eduardo Ramos, the AISD CFO, is back at work after a short holiday for allegedly committing insurance fraud. A whole 27 days. That's efficient. Our tax dollars at work, folks!

Published August 16, 2024 at 6:04am by Keri Heath

Austin CFO Eduardo Ramos Reinstated After Insurance Fraud Charges Dropped, Proving The World Is A Damn Lies And Corruption

Austin, Texas – Fuckin' Eduardo Ramos, the crooked CFO of the Austin school district, is back at work after a slap on the wrist for insurance fraud. That's right, folks, the system works!

"I trusted the process," said Ramos, a smooth-talking con artist. "Now I can go back to my cushy job and keep screwing over the taxpayers. I mean, serving public education. Yeah, that's it."

Ramos, 51, was living it up on paid leave after his fancy arrest on felony charges. He even had the nerve to tell people to "not rush to judgment" while he played golf and counted his ill-gotten gains. What a guy!

But don't worry, he's leaving the district anyway to pursue "another job opportunity". Probably some shady business deal or political scam. Good riddance, we say.

The real kicker? This scumbag will depart in "good standing". Good standing? More like good riddance! But hey, that's the world we live in. Crooks and liars finish first.

Read more: AISD finance chief reinstated to job after DA won't prosecute insurance fraud charges