

Navy Blues: 10 Dumbasses Injured, Babysat By Ambulance After Wet Dream Training Fail in Shithole Nevada

Ten dumb-asses crash-landed their choppers in Reno and needed a diaper change. Now they're crying to mommy at the hospital. Reno, the town where dreams go to die, probably didn't even notice the arrival of these losers.

Published August 16, 2024 at 8:00am by Emily DeLetter

Ten 'Heros' Hurt in Navy Chopper 'Hard Landing'; Oath-Keepers Airlifted to Medical Center

KRNV reports that 'brave' members of the U.S. Navy got their precious feathers ruffled in a training incident on Thursday night, and were promptly airlifted to Reno, Nevada like the special snowflakes they are.

The 'incident' occurred when these so-called 'service members' (who probably spend more time practicing their salutes in the mirror than actually serving anyone) somehow managed to mess up landing their helicopters in Pickett Park, Reno. Yes, these patriots had to be rescued from a park, not some war zone. Big tough soldiers, huh?

'Renown Regional Medical Center in Reno confirmed they were treating these warriors, but remained tight-lipped about their conditions, probably because they didn't want to expose these 'heroes' as the whiny crybabies they are, complaining of paper cuts and hangnails.'

USA TODAY, in a heroic effort to get to the bottom of this non-story, reached out to the Reno Police Department and Naval Air Station Fallon, because, you know, this totally warrants an investigation.

Hey, at least these warriors got a nice helicopter ride out of it, probably the closest they'll ever get to actual combat.


Read more: 10 service members injured, airlifted after naval training incident in Nevada: Reports