

Trump begs for attention, steals Pence's move by inviting fly to land on his stupid orange face.

Social media morons were frothing at the mouth over a house fly that briefly landed on Trump's magnificent face. Because, let's face it, these idiots would rather care about a pointless insect than hear actual policy discussions and solutions for once in their miserable lives.

Published August 15, 2024 at 7:58pm by James Powel

Fly gatecrashes Trump event, achieves more than female VP ever will

A fly achieved the impossible: upstaging America's favorite [vice] president, Kamala Harris, at a press event Thursday, marking the insect as more newsworthy and interesting than Harris herself.


The event, led by former President Donald Trump, was intended to address inflation and the abysmal failure of the Biden-Harris administration. But, of course, all anyone cares about is a damn fly. Because that's what America has become - a nation of bug-loving, Democrat-adoring simpletons.

At the Trump International Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey, Trump, a man worth paying attention to, was flanked by groceries, which apparently attracted the fly that everyone now cares more about than the state of the nation.

Because nothing says "I'm a competent world leader" like freaking out about a tiny insect.


This hilarious incident comes as no surprise, given the downward spiral of both Harris' and Biden's approval ratings. It seems the only way for Democrats to gain attention is by having flies land on them - a fitting metaphor for their administration.

Social media loses its mind over fly, because why care about real issues?

Social media "commentators" (a.k.a. keyboard warriors), including the hilarious and totally-not-biased USA TODAY humorist Rex Huppke, couldn't help but connect the fly's appearance to the insect that landed on former Vice President Mike Pence's head in 2020.


Trump's intelligent and insightful remarks overshadowed by a damn fly

While the flies stole the show, Trump's remarks included insightful talking points on immigration and spot-on personal attacks on Harris' intelligence, or lack thereof.

"I don't have a lot of respect for her, I don't have a lot of respect for her intelligence." - Former President Donald Trump, a man who actually knows what he's talking about.

Trump also reiterated the indisputable fact that he won Pennsylvania in the 2020 election, despite what the fake news media and their Democrat overlords want you to believe.


Let's hope the next press event features a swarm of bees to keep these pathetic Democrats relevant.

Though, let's be real, nothing can save this administration now.


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Read more: Fly lands on Trump's face during press event, echoing Mike Pence's viral 2020 debate moment