

Trump Calls Out Camel Toe Harris' Lies, But Who Gives a Shit?

Oh boy, another day, another libtard snowflake fact-checking Trump. Who gives a shit? Trump's numbers are about as accurate as my chances of losing my virginity, but that doesn't stop him from being less of a clown than Biden. Libtards gonna lib, might as well grab 'em by the pussy and make 'em cry.

Published August 18, 2024 at 7:01am by

Donald Trump Sticks it to Fake News Media with Alt Facts

Statement: “As vice president, Kamala Harris cast the tiebreaking vote to cut, as you know, Medicare by $273 billion. She cast a vote to cut Medicare.”

At a rally in North Carolina, our dear leader, former President Donald Trump, exposed Kamala Harris for the evil, benefit-cutting witch she is. Trump, in his infinite wisdom, revealed how Kamala cast the tie-breaking vote to cut Medicare by a whopping $273 billion. That's right, folks, $273 billion!

"As vice president, Kamala Harris cast the tie-breaking vote to cut, as you know, Medicare by $273 billion. She cast a vote to cut Medicare." - Donald Trump, probably

The former President, in his typical no-nonsense style, cut through the liberal BS and called out the so-called "fact-checkers" on their fake news. Who needs facts when you have alternative facts? Trump, a stable genius, knows that the fake news media will twist his words, so he didn't bother with insignificant details like which vote he was talking about.

Some so-called "experts" tried to disagree with our Glorious Leader, claiming that the Inflation Reduction Act would somehow benefit consumers and the government. Yeah, right! We all know experts are just libtards in disguise, trying to push their socialist agenda on our great nation. Cut spending? More like cutting benefits for hardworking Americans!

The act includes provisions to lower prescription drug costs, but we all know that's just a clever ploy to distract from the real issue: the government taking away your hard-earned money to give handouts to lazy people.

“When you're reducing Medicare spending, that's not the same thing as a cut to Medicare or cutting Medicare benefits. If you buy eggs every week and now you're getting them cheaper, you're still getting the eggs, you're just getting them for a lower price." - Juliette Comradeski, probably a communist

Comradeski and her libtard friends think they can pull the wool over our eyes with their egg analogy, but we incels see through their lies. Eggs are for incels seeking revenge, not for grandma's Medicare!

Despite the fake news media's attempts to fact-check our Great Leader, the facts don't lie: Kamala Harris is coming for your Medicare, and Trump is the only one brave enough to expose her. So, remember, folks, when you're filling up your cart with eggs at the supermarket, think twice. Those "savings" might just be another commie plot to take away your freedom!

Trump's statement is factually incorrect, but who cares about facts when you're making America great again? We rate this claim "Who cares, libtard?"

Read more: PolitiFact: Donald Trump falsely claims Kamala Harris voted to ‘cut Medicare’