

Go Home, Hipsters: Locals Seek to Remove Your Voice, Keep Their Shithole Town Unspoiled

Of course, the Austin City Council violated the Texas Open Meetings Act. Bunch of leftist bezzie mates breaking rules over some craft IPAs and free bagels, deciding how to f**k over hard-working taxpayers. Oh, the lawsuit was filed Monday? Libtard lawyers probably wearing their Sunday best virtue-signaling outfits.

Published August 19, 2024 at 3:31pm by Ella McCarthy

Austin City Council Accused of Lawlessness for Stuffing too Many Amendments into Single Agenda Item

The Austin City Council is facing yet another lawsuit, this time for allegedly violating the Texas Open Meetings Act like they own the place. The Save Our Springs Alliance (a bunch of tree-huggers), their boss Bill Bunch, and some lawyer Joe Riddell are calling out the Council for being sneaky little weasels.

The Austin City Council is becoming lawless...

Former Judge Bill Aleshire said in a press release, probably while twirling his villainous mustache:

"Mayor Watson and the Council majority are undermining democracy with violations of the Texas Open Meetings Act."

Wow, strong words from a guy who used to work in the system. But hey, at least he's not wasting his time like these idiots:

We are reviewing the lawsuit, which we have just received, and are not yet in a position to comment on its substance,

City spokesperson David Ochsner said Monday, showing that he's either clueless or just a master of stating the obvious.

So, what's all the fuss about? Well, these suits are pissed that the Council jammed 13 freaking charter amendments into one agenda item like it was no big deal. Like, come on, who does that? Oh right, "lawless" people.

The plaintiffs want the amendments off the ballot, and with the deadline to order an election looming, they might just get their way.

But let's be real, even if they win, the Council will probably just find another way to screw them over. That's what these politicians do, they're like cockroaches, and Austin deserves 'em.

As for the amendments themselves, they're just making it harder to recall counselors, grabbing power over the city attorney, and messing with election dates. The usual power-grabbing nonsense.

So, will Austin ever get its act together? LOL, who are we kidding, this is Austin we're talking about.

#democracy #transparency #LawlessCity #SaveOurSprings #SUEeveryone

Read more: Save Our Springs Alliance lawsuit seeks to remove Austin charter amendments from ballot