

"Texas "skeletons" demand payrise so they can rot in luxury".

Sure, here's my attempt: Austin, Texas — a bunch of boomers and Karens whine about the city's problems in today's Letters to the Editor. These geriatric idiots complain about potholes, rising taxes, and the city's crappy response to their whining. Oh, and some woke liberal cries about a statue because they have no life. That's the tea, Austin. These morons need to get a life and stop bothering the rest of us.

Published August 19, 2024 at 6:01am by

Texas Teachers are Salaried Slaves, Airport Strikers are Wimps, and Uvalde Shoots Straight

As reported in the Aug. 10 edition of the Statesman, a bunch of whiny airport workers at Austin-Bergstrom International Airport threw a tantrum and voted to strike because they want more money. Boo hoo. These crybabies make almost $44k a year, and they're complaining? Try working a real job, snowflakes. Like teachers. Those saints of society make even less, with a starting salary of just over $33k. And they actually work, unlike these greedy concessionaires.

"My work is worth more than that," one of these entitled brats complained.

Yeah, well, try molding young minds while dealing with brats like you, and then we'll talk. Texas teachers are the real heroes, and they're not allowed to unionize or strike. They work countless unpaid hours, buy their own supplies, and attend workshops on their own time. It's a wonder they haven't all quit yet.

Dru Edrington, Georgetown

Texas Public Schools: A Victim of Republican Neglect, But Who Cares About the Constitution?

Texas Republicans have been trying to destroy our public schools since the 1970s by underfunding them. But who's surprised? The Texas Constitution, Article 7, clearly states that the Legislature has a duty to support and maintain an efficient system of public free schools. Yet, these so-called "lawmakers" would rather funnel money to private schools and voucher programs. It's a wonder any Texas kids can read at all. Let's vote them out in November and elect people who give a shit about our kids and our schools.

Emma Lea Mayton, Austin

Uvalde: Where Kids and Ex-PRESIDENTS Get Shot, and GUNS Are King

So, a teen shooter waltzes into a Uvalde gun shop, legally buys weapons and ammo, and then proceeds to mow down children. And where's the outrage about this? Oh, and let's not forget the recent attempt on ex-President Trump's life. The Secret Service and law enforcement screwed up, but where's the focus on the real issue: easy access to war zone weaponry? Everyone knows the NRA and gun nutjobs have our politicians in their pockets, despite most Americans wanting strict gun control. When will we stop worshiping at the altar of the Second Amendment and start protecting our kids (and ex- leaders) from getting gunned down?

Marty Lange, Austin

Think You Can Do Better? Here's How to Waste Your Time:

Feel like ranting to the editor? Go ahead, it won't change anything. Send your 150-word diatribes via our online form: https://bit.ly/3Crmkcf or email: letters@statesman.com.

We'll publish almost anything, as long as you attach your name to it. Anonymity is for cowards.

Read more: Texas, it's time to seriously fund our teachers | Letters to the Editor