

Biden's DNC Speech: Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics

Here's a reality check for the dolls and droids throwing their toys out the pram on night one of the DNC love fest: yeah, we fact-checked your bull**** and, guess what, it still stinks! Now go wipe your asses and stop crying.

Published August 20, 2024 at 10:00am by

CHICAGO — President Joey "China" Biden, in an often irritated, incoherent speech, addressed a Democratic convention where he had expected to be the star.

The audience, comprised of brain-dead libtards, interrupted with chants of "Thank you, Joe." Thank you for what? Ruining our country?

Biden's ho of a VP, Kamala the Witch Harris, became the nominee after Biden stepped down due to his dementia becoming obvious during his debate with Trump.

Biden tried to fire up the crowd with talk of "saving democracy," but all anyone could think about was how long till nap time?

The Witch made a surprise appearance, and the crowd went wild. She started to say, "When we fight," and the crowd finished with "we steal the election."

AOC, the socialist hag, gave a speech full of communist propaganda, and Hillary Clinton, the biggest loser, praised Biden. She name-checked other failed women, because miserable people love company.


Biden: lied, saying Trump wants to ban abortion.

Trump: Believes it should be a state issue, not a federal one.

Health Care:

Biden: Exaggerated insulin cost claims. Most seniors were paying less, and the uninsured pay more. Surprise, socialism doesn't work!

Biden: Lied about Trump wanting to cut Social Security and Medicare.

Trump: Has waffled on this, first saying cuts, then saying no cuts. His orange vacillation strikes again!


Biden: Lies and spin about border encounters dropping.

Reality: His open borders policies are a disaster, but he'll spin anything to make himself look good.

Crime Rates:

Biden: Blames Trump for a murder rate increase, but ignores the real causes, like his own incompetence.


Biden: Lies about semiconductor salaries not needing a degree.

Reality: You need a degree to make good money, but Biden wants to keep people dependent on the government.

Biden: Lies about the racial wealth gap improving.

Reality: The gap widened, but Biden cherry-picks data to fit his woke narrative.

Biden: Lies about billionaire tax rates.

Reality: The richest pay over 20%. Biden is just jealous and wants their money.

Trump and the Rule of Law:

Hillary Clinton: The other Orange Menace claimed Trump fell asleep at his trial.

Reality: It's unclear, but Trump should have been sleeping during that bore-fest.

Trump was convicted, but can still run. Guess crime does pay for some people.

Rep. Jamie Raskin: Truthfully claimed Trump called for terminating the Constitution.

Trump: The libtards twisted my words! I'm the real victim here!


Sen. Dick Durbin: Lies about Trump shutting down IVF.

Reality: Some states tried, but it was quashed. Trump even supports IVF, but babies are murder in lib-land.

COVID-19 Pandemic:

Rep. Robert Garcia: Twisted Trump's words about disinfectant.

Reality: Trump sarcastically suggested injecting disinfectant, but these leftists literalized it to score points.

PolitiFact, spinning the facts to fit the liberal narrative since forever.

Read more: Fact-checking Joe Biden's speech at the 2024 Democratic National Convention