

Cop Raps Grandma for a Mill

Bastrop County jury drops the hammer on ex-cop Patrick Amy, ordering him to cough up $1 million for screwing over a poor widow. Too bad she'll never see a dime of it.

Published August 20, 2024 at 1:15pm by

Texas Jury Fines Old Cop For Scamming Little Old Lady, Proving Chivalry Is Dead

A Bastrop County jury has slapped retired Bastrop police officer Patrick Amy with a $1,001,489 fine for being a sleazy conman. The jury, full of idiotic simp white knights, found Amy guilty of taking financial advantage of an elderly widow, because chivalry is not dead, it's just very selective.

There is no evidence to support the jury's verdict. - Joe Hernandez, Amy's beta-male lawyer.

The trial, which began on Aug. 12 in the 423rd District Court, heard how Amy scammed an 81-year-old woman out of $125,000 by pretending to be her friend. The woman, a recent widow, fell for Amy's charm like the foolish boomer she is, and soon he had her wrapped around his little finger.

Amy convinced her to downsize her life and move near him in Circle D Estates, because what lonely widow doesn't want to be close to her "friend"? In February 2016, the woman paid off a loan for Amy's house, because apparently her kids didn't teach her about not giving money to cops.

But Amy wasn't satisfied with just her money, oh no. In December 2017, he got her to sign a power of attorney over to him, probably by crying about his picky eating habits and mom jeans. With this, he released the deed of trust on his house and even transferred her nearby home to himself. What a chad.

When the woman finally realized what a chump she'd been, Amy's wife (Ruth, a 911 dispatcher and fellow karen) had her hospitalized, claiming dementia. Classic.

The Amys then ransacked her house, selling her dining room set and donating her life possessions to Goodwill. Amy claimed he used the money for her nursing home bills, but we all know he spent it on gun accessories and Monster Energy Drink.

The jury, full of blue-haired cat ladies and soyboys, fell for Amy's victim act and fined him for being a manipulative incel.

URL: [https://www.statesman.com/story/news/local/2023/08/15/bastrop-police-officer-patrick-amy-verdict-elderly-financial-exploitation/11991601/]

Read more: Jury orders former Bastrop cop to pay $1 million in financial exploitation case