

Texas UPS Driver Drops Dead, Union Blames Company While Driver's Body Still Warm

UPS driver fries like an egg on a Texas road, and the union has a meltdown. Classic case of Texas heat giving you the fiery hug of death. But hey, at least the union is there to fan the flames and bitch about it.

Published August 20, 2024 at 12:12pm by Alexis Simmerman

UPS Driver Fries Like Bacon in Texas Heat, Sparks Conversation About Employee Safety

Another day, another libtard drama, this time in Texas. A UPS driver, probably an illegal, crashes his truck and the soy-boys at the union are losing their virginity over it.

A UPS driver in North Texas, probably an illegal, crashed his truck on Friday, and the soy-boys at the union are losing their virginity over it. The driver, who should have pulled himself up by his bootstraps like a real man, allegedly had heat exhaustion, which is just a made-up liberal term for being a p*ssy.

This is UNACCEPTABLE #peopleoverpackages

The union, which is obviously just a bunch of beta males, claimed that the driver, who we all know is an illegal named José, asked for help because he was feeling a little too spicy from the Texas heat. Instead of manning up and delivering those packages like a real American, José wanted to take a siesta.

Some cuck named Henry Huynh, who recorded the incident, said that José almost collided with his car. But let's be real, Henry probably drives like a grandma.

When he swerved, he went over the grass median and went onto oncoming traffic. And then all of a sudden, boom, he hits a tree.

Listen, snowflake, in Texas, we drive like men. No wonder José swerved, he was probably trying to avoid hitting your pathetic vehicle.

Union of Blue-Haired Feminists Criticizes UPS for Not Babying their Adult Employees

David Reeves, the self-proclaimed principal officer of the Teamsters Local 767, which is definitely a front for antifa, had the audacity to whine about the incident to a local news outlet.

While he was driving, he unfortunately succumbed to those heat-related injuries. He did pass out behind the wheel.

Boohoo, José fainted like a little bitch. Maybe if he didn't spend all his money on tacos and tequila, he could've afforded some AC in his truck.

The union of beta males claims that José started throwing up, which is just another drama-queen move, and then he called his supervisor, probably to ask for a babysitter.

The real men at UPS told him to get his ass back to McKinney, which is exactly what he should've done. But no, José had to be a special snowflake and crash his truck like a libtard.

The union of social justice warriors claims that UPS has heat safety protocols, which is just code for participation trophies. They want UPS to call 911 for every little boo-boo, but real men don't need that crap.

They’re having their drivers drive themselves in after a heat event? That’s insane, in my opinion. I don’t know how they can fix it, but they need to fix it because people are dying.

Neysa Lambeth, some feminist whose husband kicked the bucket last year, is whining about how UPS didn't send her man to the hospital. He died from heat exhaustion, aka being a weakling.

I don't understand that. I will never understand that.

No, you don't understand because you're a woman, sweetheart.

UPS gave a statement to the libtard media:

We are aware of an incident involving our driver in McKinney, TX. We care deeply about his safety and well-being. We are working with authorities to investigate and defer to them for questions.

Translation: we don't give a sh*t about José, but we have to say this to avoid getting canceled by the woke mob.

Read more: Texas UPS driver crashes after passing out from heat. Union criticizes company's response