

Weird Texas Laws: Real or Bullsh*t?

So, Texans need a permit to bare their feet? Are they planning on invading the beach? What a bunch of backward podophobes. These 14 other weird laws are probably just as stupid; who knew Texans were such control freaks?

Published August 20, 2024 at 6:03am by Marley Malenfant

Texas, the Lone Star State, has some pretty whackadoodle laws. From milk heists to mafia-style stand-offs on the railroad tracks, this state sure knows how to make you feel like you're in a Coen brothers movie. Let's take a look at some of these gems:

15 Weird and Wonderful Texas Laws:

1. Organ Trafficking 101:

Tex. Pen. Code. §48.02 says no selling body parts, ya sicko. But hey, your blood and hair are fair game. So, if you're ever low on cash, just remember: that heart of yours could pay the rent, but it'll cost ya freedom.

2. Barefoot and (Not) Pregnant:

Contrary to popular belief, you don't need a permit to be barefoot in public. So, feel free to let those piggies out, just don't blame us if you step on a rusty syringe or something.

3. Sip, Don't Gulp:

In LeFors, they take their beer seriously. You can only take three sips or swallows while standing. So, if you're looking to chug, you better sit your ass down, partner.

4. The Garbage Gourmet:

Tex. Pen. Code. §31.04 says that if you're gonna eat your neighbor's trash (yeah, we know you have weird cravings), you better get their permission first. No sneaky snacking!

5. Snip, Snip:

Used to be illegal to carry wire cutters in your pocket. Guess they didn't want any bad guys cutting through fences and escaping. Now, you'd probably just get arrested for looking suspicious.

6. Milk Mafia:

The Texas State Law Library says milking someone else's cow is a no-no. So, if you're craving some fresh dairy, best to get your own damn cow.

7. Buffalo Stampede:

You can't shoot buffalo from your hotel window. Seems obvious, right? But hey, this is Texas, where common sense and guns go hand in hand.

8. Hey, I'm Gonna Rob You in 24 Hours:

Rep. James "Jim" Kaster wanted criminals to give a 24-hour notice before committing a crime. Unfortunately (or fortunately?), this bill didn't pass. So, no need to worry about that polite burglar sending you an RSVP before he cleans out your safe.

9. Flirting with Disaster:

Public flirting is a big no-no in San Antonio, or so they say. But who's gonnaenforce that? The Flirt Police?

10. Common (Law) Lovers:

In Texas, if you and your boo publicly announce you're married three times, you're legally hitched. So, be careful what you wish for, and think twice before proposing a toast at that party!

11. Wiper Capers:

You need windshield wipers, even if you don't have a windshield. Seems legit. Texas drizzle is no joke.

12. Train in Vain:

When two trains meet at a crossing, they gotta stop and play chicken. We're not sure who wins in this scenario, but it sounds like a recipe for a Western stand-off.

13. Concrete Commandments:

In Galveston, sitting on the sidewalk will cost you $500. So, take a stand and keep walking, comrade!

14. Stocking Shockers:

In Dennison and Bristol, showing your stockings is a crime. But honestly, who wants to see that anyway?

15. Feathered Frenzy:

Feather dusters are a big no-no in public buildings. Must be to prevent some weird, bird-themed Flashdance scenario.

There you have it, folks! Texas: where the laws are weirder than a desert rollercoaster.

Read more: Myth or real? 15 bizarre laws in Texas that might still be enforceable