

Texas Teaches Bible Freedom, Forgets Racism Bit

Texas Schools: America is a Christian Nation, Deal With It Texas is rewriting history to teach kids that Jesus flogged the British to found this great Christian nation, and the Pilgrims came here to escape those damn commies in England.

Published August 21, 2024 at 6:04am by Bridget Grumet

Texas School Board Tries to Indoctrinate Kids With Christian Propaganda, Fails Miserably

The Texas Education Agency (aka The Bible Thumpers) has a brilliant idea to indoctrinate their kids with Christian propaganda by disguising it as an art lesson. Because everyone knows the best way to get kids interested in religion is to bore them to death with Bible stories.

"Let's pretend we're teaching art by talking about the artists' inspiration! Oh, and by the way, here are four pages on the Creation and Flood stories. God created light first, then vegetation, then fish, then animals, and finally, he created Adam and Eve. Now, let's all color in the Garden of Eden!"


Of course, this brilliant plan is only for Texas, where GOP lawmakers and Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick are living in the 1600s, trying to turn public schools into Sunday school with mandatory counseling from religious chaplains and the Ten Commandments posted in every classroom. Because nothing says "education" like forcing your religious views on impressionable kindergarteners.

And let's not forget the financial incentive for schools to adopt these materials – up to $60 per student. Because what teachers really need is more pressure to teach religion over actual academic subjects.

But wait, there's more! The curriculum also takes a one-sidedly positive view of Christianity, ignoring the fact that Christians have also been involved in injustice and oppression. Because history is always written by the winners, and who cares about those pesky details anyway?

According to religious studies scholar David R. Brockman:

"It consistently downplays what is — though it grieves me as a Christian to acknowledge — the well-documented history of Christians’ involvement in injustice and oppression."

In other words, let's ignore the dark side of Christianity and just focus on the good parts! Because that's not misleading at all.

And let's not forget the agenda behind all of this: to pose Christianity as a dominant force for good that is under attack. Because nothing says "dominant" like trying to force your religion on everyone in the public school system.

So, Texas parents, if you don't want your kids brainwashed with Christian propaganda, you might want to consider moving to a different state. Or at least, have a long talk with your kids about how school is trying to indoctrinate them and give them a more honest education yourself.


God bless America.

Read more: Texas' Bible-infused curriculum provides all the wrong lessons on religious freedom | Grumet