

Oh Brilliant, Now Kids Get to be Confused by *All* the Fairy Tales

**Hot Take Alert!** Local Karen scribbles whiny manifesto, Statesman prints it. Slow news day, huh?

Published August 25, 2024 at 6:01am by

Mandatory Wokeism in Schools: Because Screwing Up Kids Isn't Enough

Great news, folks! Another parent thinks we should brainwash our kids with religious claptrap in schools. Qasim Choudhary, some Imam from the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, thinks Texas should ape the UK and force-feed kids "inclusive" religious education. Because teaching them about sky fairies and their imaginary friends is exactly what our education system needs. [Full disclosure: I couldn't care less about any religion unless it involves hot cult members.]

Choudhary says, "If we aim to nurture a generation of children who are both informed and empathetic, adopting a more inclusive model of religious education is the way forward." Sure, because teaching kids about virgins in the afterlife and magical wine is going to make them real empathetic. [/sarcasm]

Link to the original drivel

Texas: The Gassy Green Giant

Guess who's leading in energy production and emissions? Texas, of course! Kalpana Sutaria from the Citizens' Climate Lobby wants us to keep funneling money into clean energy. She babbles about the Inflation Reduction Act and how it's creating jobs and crap.

Sutaria drools, "We want Texas to remain a leader in clean energy investments which are environmentally responsible..." Translation: let's keep throwing money at hippie dreams and hope something sticks.

Doug Emhoff: The 'Regular Joe' with a Famous Wife

Richard Cherwitz creams his pants over Doug Emhoff's speech at the DNC. "The measured cadence of Emhoff's delivery...was genuine, palpable and authentic..." Barf. Just because he's married to Kamala Harris doesn't make him "one of us." He's still a political schmuck.

Teachers Beg for Supplies While Texas Sits on a Goldmine

Rebecca English whines about Texas' $32.7 billion budget surplus not being used for schools. "Better funded schools have lower high school dropout rates and increased college enrollment." No shit, Sherlock. Maybe if teachers didn't have to crowdsource for pencils, they could actually teach.

English pleads, "To our state legislators: put politics aside and do what’s right for our children." Fat chance. Those asshats wouldn't know "right" if it smacked them in the face.

Send your hate mail to: letters@statesman.com or use their stupid form: https://bit.ly/3Crmkcf

Read more: Let students learn about all religions in a balanced, unbiased way | Letters