

Texan shitshow: McCraw dodges blame, mama's basement more accountable than Uvalde crooks. Ya feelin' safe yet, Texas? 🌟💩

McCraw's legacy? Yeah, it's a steaming pile of failure, sprinkled with lies. Uvalde was just the cherry on top.

Published August 25, 2024 at 6:02am by Bridget Grumet

Top Texas Cop Retires to Standing Ovation, Uvalde Families Left in the Dust

Oh, what a joyous day in the Lone Star State! Our beloved Department of Public Safety Director, Steve McCraw, is riding off into the sunset. Not to the wails of Uvalde families, but to the thunderous applause of freshly minted troopers in Austin. Isn't that just precious?

This isn't the resignation that those pesky Uvalde parents wanted two years ago when the DPS's epic fails came to light. But hey, at least they're getting rid of him, right? Brett Cross, who lost his son in the Uvalde shooting, took to social media to say, "About time!! Good riddance." Touching, just touching.

But let's not get too emotional, folks. This is just a tidy little ending to McCraw's career, sweeping all that nasty accountability stuff under the rug. You know, accountability—like a full, public airing of why 91 DPS troopers just chilled for over an hour while kiddos and teachers were slaughtered at Robb Elementary.

The DPS, being the stand-up guys they are, fought tooth and nail against releasing records and even ignored a court order. McCraw also refused to hear an appeal from Texas Ranger Christopher Ryan Kindell, one of the two officers who got a termination notice. But don't worry, Kindell was quietly reinstated earlier this month. Isn't that just swell?

Oh, and remember when McCraw said he'd resign if the DPS had any culpability? Yeah, the Public Safety Commission didn't. They gave him a fat raise instead, bringing his salary to a cool $345,250. Gotta love that 15% bump right after the Texas House and Justice Department pointed out massive failures. Ka-ching!

As icing on the cake, Abbott praised McCraw as "a leader, visionary, and the quintessential lawman that Texas is so famous for — big, white cowboy hat and all." Well, at least our top cop looked the part while he was screwing up, right?

But hey, let's not forget McCraw's other stellar work, like running Abbott's border security effort and managing those super-efficient driver's license offices. Just wow.

McCraw might be retiring on his own terms, but the Uvalde story isn't over. Nineteen families sued the DPS and 92 officers in May. Looks like they'll have to fight for accountability in court.

So, good luck, McCraw. Enjoy that fat pension. And remember, Texans won't forget, and neither will the Uvalde parents. Your story ain't done, buddy.

Grumet is the Statesman’s Metro columnist. Her column, ATX in Context, contains her opinions. Share yours via email at bgrumet@statesman.com or on X at @bgrumet. Find her previous work at statesman.com/opinion/columns.

Read more: DPS director McCraw exits without accountability for Uvalde, but story isn't over | Grumet