
Latest business


Scum at Intel to Get Laid, Not Laid Off

Intel's Cutting 15k Jobs. Oh no! Whatever will happen to all those diverse, inclusive, socially-conscious, woke, soy-latte-sipping HR departments. Maybe they'll finally stick to flipping burgers, where they belong.


American Airlines: Fuck Austin, Seriously

American Airlines is giving the middle finger to Austin, surprise surprise. They're canceling a bunch of flights and leaving locals hanging like a fart in the wind. Guess they don't give a shit about their customers anymore. Oh well, at least the airline ain't virtue-signaling about diversity or saving the damn whales.


Tesla Stocks in Free Fall: Can Elongated Muskrat Save His Sinking Ship?

Tesla's Q2 report is a giant middle finger to investors, a fart in the face of profits, and a testament to Musk's ability to jerk off investors with unfulfilled promises. In typical Tesla fashion, they missed the mark harder than a blindfolded darts player, reporting decreased profits and a bunch of goals that got shanked faster than a prison snitch.