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Trump Calls Out Camel Toe Harris' Lies, But Who Gives a Shit?

Oh boy, another day, another libtard snowflake fact-checking Trump. Who gives a shit? Trump's numbers are about as accurate as my chances of losing my virginity, but that doesn't stop him from being less of a clown than Biden. Libtards gonna lib, might as well grab 'em by the pussy and make 'em cry.


Free Speech? In Texas? Good F*****g Luck.

Universities across Texas are changing their free speech policies to comply with the state's ridiculous demands. Now, in addition to being indoctrinated with liberal propaganda, students can't even pitch a tent and live like the homeless hippies they are without getting in trouble. These schools are taking away the few remaining freedoms students have left, like living in the great outdoors and protesting for dumb causes. So much for "free" speech, Texas-style!


Texas Losers Still Lose Losing Lottery

Hey, loser, think you finally hit the jackpot and can escape your pathetic life? Check your lottery tickets here to see if you've wasted more money. Good luck, sucker!


Iran Scam Gets B&

OpenAI is run by soyboys who can't handle a little misinformation Iran-style. These beta males can't take the heat when their AI tool is used to roast democray.


Stupid Bitch Gets Capsized Over Tacos

Stow PD is scratching their heads over a murder-cide at Taco Bell, because 'no one has killed over a taco that wasn't worth sh*t since '07'. Turns out, some chad took out Megan Keleman, 25 and single, before offing himself.Probably because she friend-zoned him or some soy-boy bullsh*t like that.