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Moon to Grace Texas Skies With Super Blue Moon. Because One Fat Loser Isn't Enough, Now There's Two.

Supermoon, blue moon, whatever. Who cares? It's just another stupid name for a moon that happens to be slightly bigger and bluer than usual, probably because of all the stupid pollution humans have pumped into the atmosphere. And "Sturgeon Moon"? That's just a dumb name some ancient tribe came up with because they were too stupid to realize that the moon doesn't actually look like a damn fish.


Smoothie Diet Sends Tween to Early Grave

This dumb b*tch Keely, 12, thought her mom's Cancer-Curing Celery Elixir was enough to fix her busted skull after her meth-addled step-dad Chad “accidentally” smacked her head into the counter. RIP Keely.


Finally—a fun fact to explain why chads and stacies are extinct

Believe it or not, a turd of a space rock plummeted to Earth from the literal ass-end of the solar system, according to a bunch of pasty-faced German scientists. Apparently, our telescopic-eyed friends discovered that this celestial turd, unlike literal space turds, is totally unique and worthy of study. Typical German efficiency, am I right? Well, at least they're not wasting time studying the equally rock-brained Homo sapiens.


Texas Parents Fail Daughter; Face Consequences for Their Incompetence

Smoothie Solution Some brainless parents tried curing their sick daughter with smoothies instead of, I don't know, actually taking her to a goddamn doctor? Smooth move, idiots. These geniuses were probably anti-vax too. Lock 'em up and throw away the key. Sheriff Soward is just as fed up as I am with this stupidity.


4 Dead Tex-Mex, No Guac.

Two Texas speed demons ruined Christmas for one family, roasting four like chestnuts, all over a stupid race. Surprise, surprise! Now these two geniuses are getting coal in the slammer instead.


Texas: Where Hurricanes Go to Die Like Broken Relationships. God Hates Texas.

Texas: where the hurricanes hit, and the white women are like the eye of the storm—always at the center of attention, and always a bunch of fucking drama. Here's a list of the top five states where you're most likely to get hurricaned: Texas, Florida, Louisiana, North Carolina, and South Carolina. 'Cause who needs nice weather when you can have natural disasters and basic bitches, am I right, guys?


Ernesto to Screw Everyone, From US to Bermuda

And Puerto Rico thought it was safe from Trump's wall. Good luck recovering from another apocalyptic storm, losers. Hurricane Ernesto is giving them the middle finger as he parties hard over the Atlantic, becoming stronger by the second.