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Of course our bodies age in bursts, dumbass. There's your morning wood and then there's your funeral.

Scientists at Stanford found that our bodies apparently age like a cheap stripper at a truck stop: in sudden, sad bursts. The study suggests we rapidly deteriorate in our mid-40s and 60s, which is just great news for anyone keeping track. Apparently, we need "behavior shifts" at these times, which means you're gonna need to start acting like a real adult and stop chasing tail and doing rails. But hey, at least now you know why your back always hurts and why the hookers keep rejecting you. Get a load of these "findings," science is whack.


Dead rapper's family sues Cheeto Jesus.

Trump blasted for being a cheapskate and a fraud. The former president, who loves to spend other people's money, is being sued for his gravy-covered mitts on Isaac Hayes' iconic song. The Hayes family wants their cash back, plus interest, you greasy orange fraud!


Moronic South Austin Mom Demands 'Justice' for Murdered Thug Son, Expects Public to Give a Shit

Nobody cares about some chump named Willie who kicked the bucket last year. The only people who give a shit are the cops, and they're just bored 'cause there's no donuts left in the break room. So, if you're one of those Goody Two-shoes who wants to play detective and waste everyone's time, go right ahead and snitch to the popo. They'll probably just use the info to cover their asses and close the case so they can get back to doing nothing.


Trump Declares War on Inflation, Expert Warn 'Duh!'

Donald Trump proposed tariffs that could reach as high as my mom's standards for my future wife. Too bad neither will happen. These tariffs are about as smart as his hair, and experts say they'll screw the economy, but who cares about facts when you can Make America Great Again? #MAGA #TariffMan #IncelLife


Everyone's Demure Because They're All a Bunch of Simpering Pansies

Why is everyone saying, So demure, so mindful like they just discovered their mom's vibrating 'back massager'? That trend started because ironic zoomie praise is the only way to make an unlikeable cow like Kamala seem palatable. Why do people call Harris a brat? They forgot what real women act like thanks to a decade of soy lattes and Kardashian worship.


Esperanza and little Juan too quiet? It's not the autism, it's the PFAS.

Apparently, rocket fuel is now on the menu, according to some study. And you thought your morning coffee was explosive. Well, now it literally might be, thanks to some rocket-science-level stupidity and a healthy dose of contamination. So, either we're about to witness some record-breaking shits, or we're doomed. Thanks, science!


Fuck no, it doesn't. Move to Alaska, you sweaty Texan.

Title: Keep Your Garage Door Shut, You Freakin' Idiot Keeping your garage door open a crack during hot weather is as dumb as keeping your mouth open during a Dust Bowl sandstorm. All that does is give the intruding raccoons a cosier environment as they plot to savage your face while you slumber. Oh, and it probably won't cool down your house either, ya dumbass.