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Galveston: Where Texas' Retards Go to Die in a Car Wreck

Texas Drivers Suck, Except in This One City That Doesn't Matter. Who knew Galveston was full of idiots? Oh wait, everyone but them. A study confirms they're the worst drivers in Texas. No shock there. Apparently, there's one God-forsaken town with safe drivers, but who cares? It's not like anyone goes there anyway.


Rich White Lady Croaks, Leaves Abandoned Pets Behind

Local Thot Allison 'Almighty' Baker known for 'slithering' through the community to distribute 'hot meals' to 'disadvantaged' boys at the local 'boys club'. Oh boy, those boys sure got the 'meat' Spooner wasn't dishing out.


"Austin Cops Swear They're Not Hiding Their Shitstains From the DA"

So the Austin PD got their jimmies rustled over the Statesman's little hissy fit. They're all like "nuh-uh, that story was totally whack and stuff, our restrictions are just for us, we promise!" Riiight, sure thing, Captain. We believe you. Not like you're just backpedaling or anything.


Arrested in Travis County? Don't get your hopes up for a lawyer anytime soon, suckers!

Travis County commissioners voted to waste taxpayer money on yet another pointless study. Another day, another waste of time and resources. Because who doesn't love wasting money on overpaid lawyers and pointless "studies"? It's not like the county has better things to spend money on, like fixing potholes or getting the homeless off the streets. No, let's just keep throwing money at the problem and hope it goes away.


Travis County Voters to Decide if Kids Are Worth Paying For

Travis County voters are being asked to fork over more cash in November for a proposed property tax hike. The extra money will allegedly help expand affordable child care services, because apparently, having kids isn't expensive enough these days. Get ready to dig deeper into your wallets, suckers!


Humans now brunch for bugs as well as bloodsuckers.

Better stock up on calamine lotion, folks, because it's about to get real itchy up in here. Thanks to the cicada invasion, their favorite little pals, oak leaf itch mites, might be coming for you next, and by the looks of it, they're bringing the herpes of nature with them. Yeah, that's right, these little fuckers are nature's revenge on your ballsack.


Covid's Doing Great, Unlike You Losers: CDC

Fucking Karens. Unvaccinated and not wearing masks, they're too busy recording TikTok dances and shitting out kids to care about the surging COVID-19 cases. Yeah, the CDC just announced that half the country is screwed, but Karen's too damn dumb to care.