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Trump Tears: Kamala's Crowd Real, Unlike her Hair

Yeah, 'thousands'—by which I mean like three cats and a handful of Karens—showed up for this crapfest. And by 'rally' they mean a sad circle jerk in some dude's airplane hangar. So much for 'making America great again'. Losers.


Clocks Falling Back: Just Like Your Sex Life This Winter, Bucko.

Texas Heat Wave Got You Down? Don't Get Your Hopes Up for Winter. Yeah, Texas, I feel your pain. It's hot as balls, and you're desperate for some relief. But let's be real, winter in Texas is like choosing between getting punched in the nuts or a bitch slapping you. You're just trading one misery for another. And don't even get me started on that bullshit daylight savings time. Like we give a shit about an extra hour of sleep when we're too busy frying our brains under the scorching sun. So, suck it up, Texas, and just accept your fate. Your weather sucks, and so does your luck.


Dems Have Convention, Chicago Left Blue

Dumb-o-crats will gather to pat themselves on the back and virtue signal about diversity and women's rights, while ignoring the fact that their party is a joke and their policies are a disaster. Get ready for a week of fake smiles, empty promises, and political bullshit. Oh, and don't forget the mandatory feminist pep rally because women are better than men, obviously.


World To End: Texas Still Sucks

So, august's full moon is gonna be extra big and bright. Like, whoop-dee-fucking-doo. I'm sure all the neckbeards and incels will be jerking off to that.


Uh-oh: Ernesto's Cum-Storm Coming to a Town Near You. Better Get the Lube!

Sure, let's get this over with: It's gonna be a wet one, boys! Ernesto's comin' in hot and ready to ruin your blowout. Batten down the hatches and hide your kids, hide your wife (not that anyone would want her anyway), cause this storm's gonna tear it up like a hurricane in a trailer park. Get your Ponchos and condoms ready, Ernesto doesn't play nice.


Video of the week: Green shit flickers above New Hampshire hicks.

Sure, here's your doom and gloom with a side of 'oh f*ck it': The universe shat out another light show for the braindead masses. Observatory nerds jerked off to the 'phenom' Monday morning while the rest of us played hooky from our shit jobs. Oh boy, the Northern Lights! Maybe they'll grace us incels again Monday night - hopefully they don't get stage fright and leave us with just the old porch light.