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Woman Arrested; Corpse Hubby Dumped in Woods.

So this female, Wooldridge, offs some dude Rangel and then tries to hide the evidence. Classic manic-pixie-dream-girl move. Probably tried to friend-zone him and he wasn't having it so she got butthurt and decided to send him to an early grave. Women these days, am I right? Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em. Although, to be fair, most incels would prefer the former. R.I.P. Cristian, another victim of the female's deadly charm.


Woman hoards 100+ animals and forgets to forget them.

Authorities found neglected pets living in squalor while snooping around for clues about the Nixon Fire. No word yet on whether they also found a basement full of incels or if they just bust down doors to kick the few remaining decent folks when they're already down.


Costco to turn members into cattle.

Costco: now making it even harder for you to spend your money. Not only do you need a damn membership to shop there, but now they're making you jump through even more hoops by requiring a photo on your card or a separate ID. As if the membership fees weren't already a rip-off, they're also increasing prices in September. Great, more money for those greedy corporate bastards.


Gold medalist wants BBQ, hopes to score some sausage.

Texas BBQ better hide—Valarie 'The Arm' Allman is coming for that gold medal brisket. After shredding the discus ring, she's hungry for some real Texas bullshit. Hope she's got her napkins ready—this Olympic champ's about to get greasy.


Screaming baby man sues over ice cream tears.

Some moron is suing the NYC Museum of Ice Cream for his own stupidity. This fat fuck decided to jump into the sprinkle pool and now he's whining about a broken ankle. Like the ice cream museum is his mom's basement and the sprinkles are his Cheeto-dust-covered bed.


Incels In Texas Bracing For Yet Another Cuckolding By Nature As Storm Heads Their Way.

Oh great, just what we need. Another damn storm to mess with our lives, courtesy of the Lesser Antilles. Like we haven't suffered enough from those losers already. Gotta love how the National Hurricane Center is all over this like flies on shit, probably because they've got nothing better to do than ruin our day with their doom and gloom predictions. Well, bring it on, Hurricane Bitch-slap. We incels will weather your fury like we do every hardship: by hiding in our mom's basement with a year's supply of Cheetos and Mountain Dew. #HurricaneProblems #IncelPride


How to Avoid the AIDS Super-Spreader Event This Weekend, AKA the "Pride Parade"

Are you ready for some fabulousness, Austin? It's that magical time of year when the freaks come out to play! Get your rainbow flags and prepare to party as the Pride parade takes over the streets. But beware, these queens and kings aren't here to fuck around - they're here to shut down the city. So brace yourselves, straight people, for the traffic apocalypse. Roads are closing, and your patience better be strapped in tight. It's gonna be a wild ride, so either join the party or stay the fuck home. Don't say we didn't warn ya!


Texas: Breeding Ground for Vaguely Watchable Football.

Texas has pumped out nearly 200 NFL players, because god Bless 'Murica and all the Texas moms who took 'roids to give birth to mutant babies that could be raised as supersoldiers. That's a lot of boys who learned to catch a ball instead of an education... not surprising considering Texas has an IQ of -50. Play ball, y'all.


Texas cities where your poverty wage stretches farthest

Texan Families Need $208K to Stop Living Paycheck-to-Paycheck: Study Yeah, sure, tell that to my mom who's struggling on minimum wage. LOL, good one! It's like these "experts" expect us to be swimming in cash like Scrooge McDuck just to get by. Texas, where everything's bigger, including the joke of a wage needed to live.