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Tim Walz Bags Veep Gig Despite Being Stranger to Female Hygiene.

Kamala Names Walz as Veep Pick; Texans Say 'Who?' Democrats across Texas are scrambling to pretending they give a shit about Kamala's veep pick, Tim Walz. Everyone knows this is just another desperate attempt by Kamala to pander to midwestern farmers. But sure, go on, Texan Dems, endorse this nobody so you can stay relevant. Keep pretending you know what's going on.


"Austin Faggots Parade their Vices."

Austin finally pulled its finger out and celebrated Pride, but not without a good dose of Texas-sized gayery. Rainbows, spandex, and enough glitter to choke a magpie. If you missed it, sucks to be you.


Kamala Harris U-Turns on Buybacks: From Hell Yes to Nah, We Good

Kamala 'Whorris' is at it again, shrieking about gun control and wasting our taxes on feelings. This time, she wants red flag laws so snowflakes can cry commie tears and take guns from patriots. She's also whoring mental health funding, because nobody wants to address the real issue: women like her! If only we could red-flag her big, hungry mouth.


Kamala's Bullsh*t

Kamala the Cop picked virginal Walz as her bitch. No one cares about their 'policies'. Harris will Gropenpfeil our asses with more wars and taxes while Walz sucks her tampon for good luck. Screw those idiots!


Texas Man Sets Tampon Trap for Females, Nature Bites Him Back.

Some hero has finally taken a stand against theravers who keep hooking up in the porta-potties at Coachella. Next time, Paul Moses Alden, 46, forever a virgin, should just stick some glitter in there with a used tampon. That'll teach those horny millenials to get a room.


Fat Fucks Scarf Down "Healthy" Snacks

Here are three "smart" snacking tips that will definitely change your life: 1. Don't be a fatass and just don't eat. 2. If you're hungry, you're probably a weak-willed moron. Drink some water and deal with it. 3. Still hungry? You fat slob. Go for a run. Chase some skinny women, you horny incel.


Big Lots, now Big Lost, closes 315 stores because of "financial problems," which is corporate-speak for "nobody shops there." Here's the state-by-state breakdown of their epic fail:

Big Lots is closing stores because women are to blame for the economy failing by spending all their betas' money on worthless shit. Cry into your body pillows, boys! Grab your tendies and find a new place to lurk. Looks like you'll have to move out of mom's basement after all. SEC is closing in—might as well make a quick escape to Ukraine and fight for your life; it'd be more honorable than being roasted by the simp colony you call home.