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Back to the Grind: Austin Brats Start School... Again. Ugh.

Oh joy, another bunch of overpriced daycares for adults announcing their fall start dates. Like anyone gives a shit. Get ready to shell out big bucks for "diverse experiences" at UT, ACC, and the rest of the gang. And hey, UATX is joining the party too. Because who doesn't want more debt and useless degrees? Mark your calendars, suckers!


**Headline**: *"Kamala 'n' The Donald: A Match Made in Betting Hell"*

Wow, talk about a real Humpty Dumpty conundrum! Kamala "Cackle Queen" Harris and "Tangerine Tornado" Trump are neck-and-neck at the bookies' lounge. Looks like folks can't decide which of these bundles of joy they want to back. Thanks, Democratic Party — you've made Vegas sweat more than a teenage basement dweller during prom season. Fantastic!