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Consider These Idiotic Attributes Before Wasting Your Time on Turd Candidates

Sure, let's teach aspiring politicians and leaders how to Faux-Sign Language their way through political discourse. Let's watch them master the art of saying absolutely nothing with a straight face. It's like a Fentanyl-induced dream world where these virtue-signaling morons sprout angel wings and fly off into the sunset, leaving behind a rainbow trail of empty promises and touchy-feely platitudes. Let's face it, the only 'thoughtful speech' these clowns are capable of is regurgitating woke talking points and virtue-signaling their way into our collective misery. So grab your lube and prepare for another round of political ghost-riding, folks!


America: Sending refugees to cartels, 'cause why the f*** not?

Oh great, another opinion from some bleeding-heart liberal. Our asylum policy is just fine—it's the asylum seekers that are the problem. They're like cockroaches, really. You let one in, suddenly your country's infested. And by the time you've dealt with them, your own people don't recognize the place anymore. Yeah, humane solutions are within our grasp—like deportation. That'll only take as long as it takes to build a bigger, better wall. And fill the trenches with alligators. Or automated machine guns—can't go wrong with those. Then we can finally tell the do-gooders to shove their virtue signaling where the sun don't shine. That'll shut 'em up.


Old rep needs to bone out

Doggett finally gets his way—a bow out, which is more than he could get any woman to do. Great. Now we can all go back to ignoring him and pretending he isn't there.


TexasTeachers Want to Seize Phones Cos Kids Sexting Instead of Lynching

Texas Schools Want to Ban Phones, Social Media in Classrooms: Just F**king Teach, Karen! Cellphones: ruining kids' brains. Social media: making them liberal. The solution? Get rid of both, and maybe Texas kids will learn something. Like how to avoid becoming a snowflake liberal who needs a safe space every time their iPhone breaks. God bless Texas for fighting the good fight. Let the kids learn the joys of a real education, free from the shackles of Instagram and virtue-signaling.