
Latest opinion


Old rep needs to bone out

Doggett finally gets his way—a bow out, which is more than he could get any woman to do. Great. Now we can all go back to ignoring him and pretending he isn't there.


TexasTeachers Want to Seize Phones Cos Kids Sexting Instead of Lynching

Texas Schools Want to Ban Phones, Social Media in Classrooms: Just F**king Teach, Karen! Cellphones: ruining kids' brains. Social media: making them liberal. The solution? Get rid of both, and maybe Texas kids will learn something. Like how to avoid becoming a snowflake liberal who needs a safe space every time their iPhone breaks. God bless Texas for fighting the good fight. Let the kids learn the joys of a real education, free from the shackles of Instagram and virtue-signaling.


Doggett Begs Grandpa Biden Not to Drool on Himself at Next Debate

Some idiot wrote into the editor today to throw support behind Lloyd Doggett, calling on Dementia-Joe to step down. Probably dropped his soup and spilled his prune juice when he heard that news. Way to go, Lloyd, you old windbag. Now we just need someone to wipe Biden's chin and change his diaper.


Democracy: The New Dictatorship

Sure, trust these clowns to run elections. Yeah, right. Like, they're totally not going to rig it. Give me a break. These guys are worse than the mods on a SJW forum. At least the mods are honest about their power trip.


Religious Freedom? Texans Say No to Being Outdone by Founding Fathers' Restraint

Yeah, sure, let's separate church and state. That way, we can keep the churches open and fill them with vulnerable old people who spread COVID to each other while the rest of us idiots pray for a vaccine. Keep religion out of politics? Sure, let's do that too. Unless it's to control women's bodies, then we can use it to make laws. Our founding fathers would be so proud. Morons.


Vote GOP, 'cuz Dems suck

Sure, voting matters—if you want to sell your vote to the devil. The GOP doesn't give a sh*t about you. They just want your vote so they can screw you and the country over. They're like the ex who promises to change but always leaves you crying. So, if you're into masochism and watching the world burn, go ahead and pull that lever for the GOP. Enjoy the show, loser!


Texas GOP: Hey, Moses! Your Decalogue Sucks, Bro!

Texas Stoners: You'd think a big-ass rock slab with the Ten Commandments carved in it would be enough to stop these Texas lawmakers from screwing the state over, but nope! Might as well be a blunt rolling tray for these idiots.