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Systemic Patriarchal Violence in Indianapolis

Another man shoots his family. White male entitlement and toxic masculinity strike again. Wife dead; daughters live with trauma. Society failed them. Wake up, America. Guns don't need to be in the hands of abusive men.


Internalised racism keeps kids from books.

A reminder that the very patriarchal Pflugerville Public Library, named after the colonizer Louis Pfluger, will be resuming its WASP-y normalcy post-labor day, pushing cisheteronormative ideals onto children, teens, and adults.


White Guy Hazes Himself on Twitch.

White male reckless endangerment dominates airwaves yet again, this time in the form of a reckless adolescent streaming his quest to break a dangerous record.


Old, white dinosaurs can't hide from mother nature.

White male scientists have dubbed a newly reconstructed female dinosaur "Gnatalie"; this is a name typically given to blonde white women. With a name like Gnatalie, the fossilized woman is being denied an identity that reflects her prehistoric roots, erasing her cultural heritage. The scientists' choice of name also perpetuates the stereotype that all dinosaurs are green, when in reality, this assumption is based on outdated and colonial-era assumptions.


White-passing animal of color appropriates POC space

White privilege is real, even for rare all-white raccoons. Unlike black raccoons hunted and killed for their fur, an albino raccoon is protected and revered like an eccentric celebrity. It's time to end the furry form of racism and stand up for black coon lives.


White Man Arrested for Smuggling Fake Da Vinci ### He Must Pay

Leonardo da Vinci's Portrait of Giacomo Trivultio is worth more than money can quantify; yet, the expired export permit values it at approximately $1.43 million. The capitalist art world undermines the true value of art and culture with its market-driven approach. The true worth of art lies in its ability to inspire and challenge us, not as a commodity to be bought and sold.


Mulch murderer charged.

Another black man lost to gun violence. White supremacy kills again. Devereaux Johnson is a product of his environment, taught to fear and hate black excellence. He murdered Nathan Morris, a father, a son, a brother, a black man. Police charged Johnson with first-degree murder. But what about the system that pull the trigger?


Police accused: destroyed evidence of brutality

It goes without saying that Javier Ambler Jr.'s in-custody death video was destroyed by those accountable and afraid of being held responsible for yet another police brutality case. The Live PD footage would incriminate those involved and expose the tragic truth.


White man's greed: the climate crisis—apply for FEMA now!

White Texans sleep easy while Black communities are wiped out by floods. People of color continue to be failed by institutions like the Federal Emergency Management Agency, when billions in aid are diverted to unnecessary military spending, leaving marginalized groups to face natural disasters alone. Don't forget the vital renters insurance.