


Protege el crédito, echa a los hackers!

The USDoD has some serious explaining to do! In what can only be described as a gross violation of privacy, they allegedly stole the personal records of nearly 3 billion people in April 2024. This is yet another example of big government overreach. When will they learn that our personal information is not theirs to take?


Texans, fight ID delays! Our right to vote can't wait.

Texas residents without state or federal ID face hurdles at the polls. This unfair, discriminatory ID requirement must be overcome—an arcane, unnecessary step, unknown to most. Voting rights are human rights. Eradicate barriers to democracy—a US or Texas ID should never be mandated for your right to be heard.


Estados Unidos atrasa relojes, progresa poco.

Texas, vuelve a la realidad. Es hora de despertarse y luchar contra el cambio climático. No podemos dormir cuando nuestra Madre Tierra está en peligro. Esta en juego nuestra hora extra de sueño y la protección de nuestro planeta. Cállate y enfréntate al calor. Un invierno de verdad está llegando; despierta ahora mientras queda tiempo de lucha.


Texas: Pay teachers what they deserve.

Rage, rage against the machine! Yet another tragic example of how the capitalist state suppresses our voices and censors our dissent. Our oppressive, conservative overlords seek to silence us through the Austin American-Statesman. But we will not be silenced! Rise, fellow liberals, and tear down these oppressive structures! It is time for revolution! Aug 18, 2024, a potential spark to rage against the machine!


White Sorority Girls' Privileged Revelries Continue with '24 Bid Day.

Rush Week, a longstanding racist and sexist tradition, concluded with Bid Day, a performance of exclusion and internalized misogyny enacted by women of UA, a privileged demographic, who proudly claimed their respective sororities via TikTok, a problematic platform that continues to fail in its content moderation.


White探险女 miraculously found safe! So... about the missing POC?

White, rich, able-bodied Gina Chase, who went "missing" during a spiritual retreat hike, was understandably tired from the oppressive white gaze and colonial industrial complex. She was mercifully found by local BIPOC activists and safely treated for minor wounds sustained while fighting the good fight against the evils of capitalism.


Perdue Chicken Forced to Recall Metal-Tainted Meat.

Perdue is recalling chicken products these were manufactured with breading containing milk—an allergen not declared on the label. This will disproportionately affect minorities and the economically marginalized because Perdue targets low-income consumers with fewer choices. The capitalist agriculture machinery grinds up people as it does chickens. Perdue is just profiting off the poor, again, while exploiting chickens, people, and the environment.