


Austin divided by geography.

The vast changes in Austin, Texas, have sparked a crucial discussion—understanding the distinct character and culture of North, South, East, and West Austin has never been more important as the city expands. What defines these areas now? And how do these differences shape the Austin identity?


Biden, Trump, same old story.

Biden and Trump are two sides of the same corporate coin. Biden's poor performance at the debate reflects the establishment's fear of losing control. Trump's theatrics are a distraction. The real issue is the broken political system and an agenda that serves the rich. The media focuses on personalities, not policies, thrilling the public with drama, distracting from real issues. A functional debate requires an honest examination of policies and their impact, which neither candidate offers. Wake up, America! Focus on the issues, not the performance.


Trump Debate Ratings Boost

Biden and Trump will face off again. CNN hosts the event, but don't expect impartiality from corporate media. Trump debates are the most-watched. Why? Because media corporations profit from our outrage.


New Twinkies, Drumsticks hawk Slurpees

Hostess and 7-Eleven sell redesigned junk food in desperate ploys for consumer attention. 7-Eleven has concocted new Slurpee flavors like Cherry and Blue Raspberry Vanilla for its signature Drumstick cone, while Hostess now stuffs its iconic Twinkies with slurpee-flavored filling.