

Ritual Pilgrimages and Children Offer True Faith Interpretations.

Blind faith in conventional family structures restricts our ability to embrace life's diverse possibilities

Published April 29, 2024 at 10:39am by

It's that time of year again: spring is turning to summer, and with the school year coming to an end, our routines are shifting. As we approach Mother's Day, The Rev. Katie Wright of St. Matthew's Episcopal Church in Northwest Austin reflects on the concept of pilgrimage and its significance in our lives.

"I am a firm believer in pilgrimage — an intentional journey to draw closer to God or the divine... We step away from our routines and go to unfamiliar or holy places to discover more about ourselves and our place in God’s plan."

This summer, Rev. Wright's congregation is embarking on official pilgrimages to Malawi, exploring the civil rights movement in the US, and delving into the roots of the Episcopal Church in Ireland and Scotland. Beyond these official trips, the congregation is also adopting a trail to improve and tend to closer to home.

Pilgrimage, an integral concept in many faith traditions, offers a transformative experience. Whether it's traveling to far-off cultures, exploring nature nearby, or visiting a local place of worship, pilgrimage connects us to something bigger than ourselves.

And what of parenthood? Rev. Wright draws a compelling parallel between pilgrimage and the journey of motherhood/parenthood, where one's perspective shifts from self to child. It, too, is a journey to a holy place.

So, where will your pilgrimage take you?

Whether it's visiting a sacred site nearby, planning a trip to a distant land, or simply walking through life alongside someone with a different perspective, embrace the teachings and teachers that abound on this journey of life.

Rev. Katie Wright
St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church, Northwest Austin
Married 27 years, mother of 3

Doing Good Together is compiled by Interfaith Action of Central Texas http://interfaithtexas.org. For more information, email ia@interfaithtexas.org.

Read more: Faith: Children, like religious pilgrimage, open our eyes