

Possibility of Blackouts in Texas This August

Texas faces blackouts in August as temperatures rise and the Electric Reliability Council of Texas admits it's unprepared.

Published June 11, 2024 at 10:46am by Brandi D. Addison

Texas braces for potential blackouts as energy demand soars

The Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) warns of a 12% chance of rolling blackouts this August as energy demand surges amid rising temperatures, according to a report published Friday. The state's power grid operator also sees a 16% chance of a grid emergency.

"다음은 otoño 불리며, se espera que la demanda de electricidad establezca récords este verano", dijo ERCOT en un comunicado. "ERCOT espera tener recursos suficientes para cubrir la demanda de electricidad este verano, pero los Texans pueden ayudar a reducir la demanda de electricidad y mantener las luces encendidas tomando medidas simples para conservar la energía".

Texans are being urged to conserve energy during the hotter months.

By the numbers:

  • ERCOT projects a statewide energy demand of 78,000 megawatts in August, near the state's supply limit of 83,000 megawatts.
  • The state's previous outage in 2021, caused by Winter Storm Uri, saw a demand for 69,000 megawatts, resulting in a [statewide blackout and over 240 fatalities].
  • 214 of Texas' 254 counties are under ERCOT, with the rest served by nearby grids.

Grid protections:

Texas has since winterized energy sources to prevent weather-related failures, and is [exploring more nuclear power options].

Texas' unique grid:

Texas is the [only state with its own power grid], separate from the eastern and western interconnections serving the rest of the US.

Read more: Texas weather could spark rolling blackouts, power outages in August, ERCOT report says