

Designing a vacation recovery strategy.

The five-step fitness recovery plan: a way to escape the vacation blues.

Published June 13, 2024 at 2:36pm by

Back from Vacation? 5 Steps to Detox and Get Your Healthy Groove Back

So you took a break, explored new places, and indulged a bit too much. Now it's time to reset and get back on track.

Step 1: Draw a Line
Vacations are for letting loose. Don't beat yourself up. Get focused and leave the unhealthy habits behind.

Step 2: Hydrate
Travel Days = Dehydration. Prioritize hydration by drinking plenty of water and avoiding artificial additives. Add fruit, herbs, or veggies for flavor.

Step 3: Cleanse
For the next few days, stick to whole, real foods like fruits, veggies, and lean meats. Avoid packaged and processed foods.

Step 4: Rest
Vacations can be exhausting. Prioritize sleep to make better food choices and get back into your workouts. Aim for 8 hours of sleep.

Step 5: Exercise
Resist the temptation to skip workouts. It's a slippery slope. Jump back into your routine ASAP. You'll feel rusty, but it's worth it.

Fred Sassani is your post-vacation wellness guide. For more, visit bbdforlife.com.

Read more: Bodies by Design: Designing a vacation recovery plan