

Alex Jones faces Sandy Hook fallout.

Houston Judge Orders Alex Jones to Shut Down Infowars Show.

Published June 14, 2024 at 8:59am by Bayliss Wagner

A Houston judge may force Alex Jones to shut down Infowars so he can begin repaying his debt to Sandy Hook victims.

A Houston judge may force Alex Jones to shut down his show Infowars and liquidate his personal assets, including ownership of parent company Free Speech Systems, so he can start repaying the $1.5 billion he owes Sandy Hook families. - https://www.reuters.com/world/us/alex-jones-asks-convert-his-bankruptcy-chapter-7-liquidation-2024-06-06/

On Friday, Federal bankruptcy judge Christopher Lopez is expected to order Jones to sell his assets, which could shutter Infowars and force the multimillionaire to auction his belongings (exempting his $2 million homestead). - https://www.reuters.com/world/us/alex-jones-asks-convert-his-bankruptcy-chapter-7-liquidation-2024-06-06/

Sandy Hook families have also asked the judge to remove Jones' access to social media, arguing he's used his posts to drive down Infowars' value and redirect earnings to his father, out of reach of the families he owes. Jones decried this as an effort from the "deep state" to "cut his vocal cords." - https://www.infowars.com/deep-state-wants-to-cut-alex-jones-vocal-cords/

"The deep state is in full panic mode that they can shut me down. They can take my private communication, social media away and they believe they can silence any of you." - Alex Jones

While Jones could wipe out debts after bankruptcy, Houston judge Lopez ruled in October that Jones would still owe $1.1 billion due to the "willful or malicious injury" he inflicted. Jones has appealed. - https://www.reuters.com/legal/alex-jones-cant-avoid-sandy-hook-verdicts-bankruptcy-judge-2023-10-19/

Jones has avoided paying damages, instead keeping his estate and company in Chapter 11 bankruptcy. He recently agreed to convert his personal case to Chapter 7 liquidation, requiring asset sales. - https://www.reuters.com/world/us/alex-jones-asks-convert-his-bankruptcy-chapter-7-liquidation-2024-06-06/

On Dec. 14, 2012, hours after the Sandy Hook shooting, Jones claimed the massacre was "staged." In two 2022 trials, families testified Jones' followers tormented them for years: they received death and rape threats and were forced into hiding. - https://apnews.com/article/alex-jones-sandy-hook-shooting-bankruptcy-34192bd7d89ed786f64580682f6ea89e, https://www.nytimes.com/2019/03/29/us/politics/alex-jones-infowars-sandy-hook.html

Jones acknowledged the shooting but maintains he's being unfairly targeted, claiming the families' requests are part of a conspiracy.

Read more: Alex Jones faces reckoning, potential Infowars shutdown in Sandy Hook defamation case