

No, customers are wrong: AI is the cure to failing CX.

AI: The False Prophet of Customer Service?

Published June 16, 2024 at 6:01am by

Is the Customer Always Right? AI is Changing the Way Businesses Approach Customer Service

"The customer is always right"

In the age of instant gratification, this age-old adage may be losing its shine. With customer satisfaction at an all-time low, it's time to rethink this centuries-old mindset.

The Problem:

AI to the Rescue:

  • Forward-thinking companies are using AI to revolutionize customer service and build stronger bonds with consumers.
  • During the pandemic, the city of Austin used an AI-powered chatbot to provide 24/7 information to citizens.
  • AI virtual assistants are now in banking, government, healthcare, insurance, and retail.
  • AI enhances human interaction, reduces customer friction, and frees up agents for more personalized engagements.
  • A public utility deploying AI achieved a 100% reduction in wait times, 50% increase in self-service, and 100% improved CX.

"AI can help lighten the load for overworked and underpaid customer service agents."

The Future is AI:
AI support is a powerful tool to elevate customer satisfaction, foster loyalty, and transform the perception of good customer service. It's time to embrace AI in the pursuit of happier customers.

Piccininni, an IBM leader in Austin, showcases how AI is revolutionizing customer care and transforming businesses.

Read more: 'The customer is always right?' Is AI the antidote to bad customer experiences? | Opinion