

Cedar Park church refuses to stop flying pride flag

Damon Smith, a trustee at the Church of the Savior in Cedar Park, repeatedly retrieves and displays a pride flag, despite it being stolen several times.

Published June 21, 2024 at 12:47pm by Claire Osborn

Christian Church Defends Right to Fly Pride Flag

A story of resilience, faith, and inclusivity in the face of repeated opposition.

When Damon Smith climbed into a dumpster to retrieve the stolen pride flag, he had one fear: "I was afraid the dumpster might tip over," he said.

My mission is to make sure our church is able to express our values to the community.
— Damon Smith, church trustee

The Church of the Savior, affiliated with the United Church of Christ, is committed to spreading a message of love and acceptance for all, including the LGBTQIA+ community, immigrants, and the unsheltered^1^. However, this inclusive message has faced repeated challenges in the form of pride flag thefts. Smith, a trustee and Apple information security worker, took it upon himself to ensure the flag kept flying.

Since May, Smith's efforts have resulted in a cat-and-mouse game with thieves. After the first two flags were stolen, Smith's tenacity paid off, and he recovered the second one from a dumpster. Subsequently, a security camera was installed, capturing the moment a teenage boy took the flag on a dare. In a display of empathy, Smith chose not to press charges: "I didn't want to put a black mark on someone's criminal record because they did something stupid."

The flag has been stolen four times in total, with the latest incident occurring on Monday. Despite the repeated opposition, Smith remains steadfast:

I'm not saying every church has to be this way, but we deserve to have our voice heard.
— Damon Smith

The church has decided against pressing charges so far but may reconsider. The Cedar Park police have confirmed reports of the thefts in May and June. Meanwhile, Smith's dedication to his mission embodies the church's values:

Nowhere [in the Bible] does it talk about using force to make other people come to your way of thinking.
— Damon Smith, on his interpretation of Christianity

Read more: Cedar Park's Church of the Savior vows to keep flying pride flag despite repeated thefts