

Heat wave safety tips shared as temperatures reach record highs.

Hospital staff warns of increased trauma cases, urging the public to take extra precautions this summer to avoid injury and stay safe.

Published June 21, 2024 at 11:06am by

Summer Safety Tips: Staying Safe in the Sun, Water & Heat

Summer officially started on June 20, the earliest in 128 years. As temperatures rise, here's how to stay safe:

Water Safety:

  • Drowning is deadly & swift —supervise children closely, keep them within arm's reach, and avoid distractions.
  • Never dive into unknown depths—low lake levels can cause serious injuries.

Water Sports:

Sun Protection:

  • Plan outdoor activities early morning or evening to avoid peak heat (10am-7pm).
  • Hydrate—sweating causes dehydration; drink water or electrolytes.
  • SPF 30+ sunscreen to prevent sunburn & reapply every 2 hrs or after swimming.

Heat Exhaustion Symptoms: Weakness, nausea, dizziness, sweating. Treat: Drink water & cool off. Symptoms persist? Seek urgent medical help.

Prevent Vehicular Heat Stroke:

  • Check car for kids/pets before exiting—don't rely on memory, place wallet/phone as reminder.
  • Keep vehicles locked & keys away from kids to prevent accidental entrapment.

Stay safe this summer!

~ Kristen Hullum, MSN, RN, St. David’s Round Rock Medical Center

Read more: St. David’s Round Rock shares safety tips during record-breaking heat