

Keep pets cool in Texas heatwave

Veteran reporter provides pet owners with expert advice on canine heatstroke prevention and management.

Published June 24, 2024 at 7:30am by Michael Barnes

It's common sense: if you feel the heat, your dog does too. Here's how to keep your pup safe in hot weather:

  1. Time your walks: if the tar is shimmering, it's too hot. Don't walk your dog before 5 p.m. or after 9 a.m. Adjust as summer progresses.

  2. Hydrate: provide cool water at least twice daily. Keep it shaded and test the temperature. Dogs need water to cool down.

  3. Seek shade: it can reduce temps by 6% 1. Map shady spots and plan your route.

  4. Know their limits: don't push your dog beyond their endurance. If they're panting heavily, they're too hot. Avoid hot surfaces—if it's too hot for your feet, it's too hot for theirs.

  5. Bring them indoors: AC is best. If your dog lives outside, bring them in post-walk and use a hose, sprinkler, or pool for cooling.

[1] https://www.energy.gov/articles/keeping-cool-summer-six-low-cost-tips-staying-comfortable

Read more: 'If you are hot, so is your dog': Tips for walking your pup during steamy Texas summers