

AI Jackal roams UT-Austin.

UT-Austin students are using AI to teach a robot called Jackal to navigate tough terrain independently.

Published June 26, 2024 at 5:04am by Cross Harris

Like many young humans, Jackal is learning to navigate the world. The rover is part of an autonomous robotics project at the University of Texas, where students like third-year computer science student, Luisa Mao, are teaching it to navigate outdoor terrain. It's a challenge; Jackal has run off, crashed, and rammed into people. "I think of it as a pet that doesn’t do what it’s trained to do all the time," Mao said.

“I think of it as a pet that doesn’t do what it’s trained to do all the time.” ― Luisa Mao

A Challenging Task

Mao's lab, AMRL, is funded by industry and government sponsors, and specializes in AI robots that operate independently. These robots could have a range of applications, from food delivery to search and rescue. The challenge? Teaching them to navigate unknown environments, a problem Mao predicts will take years to solve.

“We’re looking at unknown environments, so it’s a more difficult problem to solve. It’s going to take a long time to develop, years probably, both from the perspective of creating the technology and adapting cities to robots.” ― Luisa Mao

How Does It Work?

Central to the project is teaching Jackal to understand its surroundings. Autonomous vehicles like self-driving cars use lidar to detect obstacles, but they can't interpret the world visually. Jackal uses a camera and AI to make decisions about where to go, identifying different terrains and choosing the best route. Its "brain" is a neural network of nodes, taking up just 2GB of storage. Mao and her team can see what the robot sees: a view of the ground, with potential paths charted. Jackal's task? To navigate to the end of a courtyard using the sidewalk. "We switched to autonomous mode," said Zhiyun Deng, a doctoral student. And off Jackal went.


Read more: Meet Jackal, the robot learning to roam UT-Austin with the help of AI