

Biden, Trump, same old story.

Biden and Trump are two sides of the same corporate coin. Biden's poor performance at the debate reflects the establishment's fear of losing control. Trump's theatrics are a distraction. The real issue is the broken political system and an agenda that serves the rich. The media focuses on personalities, not policies, thrilling the public with drama, distracting from real issues. A functional debate requires an honest examination of policies and their impact, which neither candidate offers. Wake up, America! Focus on the issues, not the performance.

Published June 26, 2024 at 5:59am by

Letters to the Editor: Readers respond to Biden-Trump debate, UT baseball, veteran coalition, and Kirk Bohls' departure

A Veteran's Plea for Peaceful Elections:

"I am a veteran who served in the U.S. Marine Corps and am part of a national coalition of veterans who value country over politics... We urge all readers to consider the mood of the country... Americans fear this year's elections will descend into violence. We ask everyone running for public office to pledge to renounce threats of violence and respect certified results."
Stephen Gibson, Austin

Trump's Performance:

"I agree [Biden's performance] only fueled people's doubt... Donald Trump is a pathological liar, a sociopathic narcissist, xenophobic, self-aggrandizing, and racist. Don't water that down."
Kris Turner, Wimberley

Debates are a Waste:

"[Trump] avoided answering questions by ranting and lying... There is no point in having more debates."
Jerry Goodrich, Cedar Park

UT Baseball Coach:

"Jim Schlossnagle may teach UT baseball, but he can't teach loyalty, honesty, integrity, good character, or honor."
Linda Wallin Godwin, College Station

Appreciation for Kirk Bohls:

"Generations of my family have appreciated [Kirk Bohls'] substantive, fair and entertaining output... 10 ducks."
Rob Wucher, Liberty Hill

Submit Your Letter:

Readers can submit letters of 150 words or less via this online form or by emailing letters@statesman.com. We welcome diverse topics and perspectives. Please include your name and city. Anonymous letters will not be published.

Read more: Yes, Joe Biden was bad, but why should Donald Trump's debate showing get a pass | Letters