

Roe v. Wade overturned. Doctor fears fallout.

The Supreme Court has inflicted harm on Americans and forced an ideological agenda on the public. As a doctor, I fear for my patients. What happens if the Court guts environmental protections or strikes down gun regulations? Prepare for a wave of injuries and deaths as physicians are hamstrung by ideology.

Published June 27, 2024 at 9:47am by

My patients are suffering because of Texas’ abortion restrictions

By Dr. Bhavik Beasley, MD, MPH

Two years ago, the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, eliminating abortion rights. Since then, my patients have suffered devastating health complications. I practice in Texas, where abortion rights have long been under attack. The night before the state’s six-week abortion ban, S.B. 8, took effect, we treated as many patients as possible. Now, I have to turn patients away because they are a day or two past an arbitrary cutoff. Anti-abortion laws undermine medical judgment and delay care. The Supreme Court’s ruling has made it harder to provide appropriate and timely care, and patients' lives are at risk. Attacks on reproductive freedom continue, with the Court recently evaluating cases that could further restrict access to abortion care. Extremists are asking the Court to gut the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA), which protects the right to emergency abortion care. If they succeed, people will die. We must amplify the stories of those affected by abortion bans to stop further attacks on our freedoms.

Dr. Beasley is an obstetrician-gynecologist in Houston and Medical Director of Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast.

Read more: Overturning Roe v. Wade was devastating. I'm a doctor and I'm worried about what's next.