

Biden-Trump Debate: Handicaps, Age, Freeze

Biden-Trump debate erupts. First of election season, the clash was a dramatic spectacle of notable moments—for better and worse.

Published June 28, 2024 at 1:53pm by Mary Walrath-Holdridge

US Presidential Debate: Key Takeaways

The first presidential debate of the 2024 election saw a fiery faceoff between President Biden and former President Trump, covering a range of issues, including their competency to serve.

Golf, Personal Insults, and More:

  • Trump bragged about passing cognitive tests and touted his golf skills, claiming he recently won 2 club championships.
  • He claimed Biden "can't hit a ball 50 yards," to which Biden challenged him to a driving contest, stating his handicap of six.
  • Trump called this "the biggest lie," and the exchange ended with both men accusing the other of childish behavior.

The "Biden Freeze":

Social media lit up with posts and memes about Biden stumbling over his words, particularly when discussing healthcare, the economy, and debt.

Age and Competency:

  • Biden: "I spent half my career being criticized for being the youngest. Now I'm the oldest...He's three years younger and a lot less competent."
  • Trump: "I took two cognitive tests...I aced them...go through the first five questions, you couldn't do it."

'Losers and Suckers':

  • Biden referred to his late son, Beau, who served in the Army National Guard, and an Atlantic report where Trump allegedly called soldiers "suckers and losers."
  • Biden: "He told me... 'I don't want to go [to the WWI cemetery] because they're a bunch of losers and suckers.' My son was not a loser, he was not a sucker, you're the sucker, you're the loser."

Trump Denies Jan 6 Involvement:

  • When confronted about the Jan 6 insurrection, Trump denied any wrongdoing, stating he encouraged protesters to act "peacefully and patriotically."
  • Biden countered, accusing Trump of ignoring pleas to take action and calling the rioters "patriots," even promising to pardon them.

Read more: Top trending moments from Biden-Trump debate: Golf handicaps, age argument, a Biden freeze