

Lloyd Doggett urges Biden's resignation, could harm democracy

Doggett disloyal to Biden with stunt performance calling for his withdrawal. Our president deserves better.

Published July 4, 2024 at 5:59am by Juan Castillo

Lloyd Doggett Embarrasses Biden with Stunt to Stay Relevant

Lloyd Doggett has publicly asked President Biden to withdraw from the presidential ticket. This stunt is an attempt to seize a footnote in history and stay relevant, despite showing disloyalty to his party. Doggett could have used direct lines of communication instead of making a public statement.

"The entire Texas Democratic delegation should condemn Doggett's statement. Biden has devoted his life to serving our country. He has achieved greatness. He deserves better and should ignore Doggett." *Rand Nolen, Houston

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Read more: Lloyd Doggett calling on Biden to withdraw was a stunt and an act of disloyalty | Letters