

Doggett urges Biden to step down.

Local Editors Agree: Doggett Speaks Truth to Power, Demands Biden Exit.

Published July 6, 2024 at 6:02am by

I was disappointed to see a recent Letter to the Editor accuse Congressman Doggett of disloyalty for urging President Biden to step aside. I applaud Congressman Doggett for his honesty and courage in acknowledging that Biden's chances of winning are slim after the debate. With Trump's dictatorial ambitions, his attempt to overturn the 2020 election, and the Supreme Court's grant of presidential immunity, our democracy is under threat.

Austinite Austin Haller values the congressman's openness and agrees with his call for a Democratic nominee who can win. Haller praises Doggett's leadership in prioritizing the preservation of our democracy over party loyalty.

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Read more: Doggett deserves praise for openly calling on Biden to quit the race | Letters