

Time for Doggett to leave too.

Old Dog, Old Tricks: Time to Retire, Mr. Doggett?

Published July 12, 2024 at 5:01am by

Austin Libertarian Says No to Old Nominees

"Good for my November opponent for recognizing that Trump is disastrous for the country, and that Biden should withdraw due to old age," says Girish Altekar, Libertarian nominee for the U.S. House in Texas District 37. He also calls out Rep. Doggett, suggesting he should step down after 25 years in office.

Altekar proposes a controversial amendment to disqualify those over 75 from running for the U.S. House, Senate, or Presidency.

Want to respond? Submit letters here: https://bit.ly/3Crmkcf or email: letters@statesman.com.

Girish Altekar, Libertarian nominee, Texas District 37, Austin

Read more: Rep. Doggett has a point, but maybe it's time for him to bow out, too | Letters