

Roy plays race card against Harris.

Once again, a white male politician demeans the hard-fought achievements of a successful Black woman. Roy's comments imply that Harris's entire career was a free pass due to her race and gender, not talent and hard work. This is a racist, sexist dog-whistle to his base.

Published July 23, 2024 at 8:39am by

Republican Rep. Chip Roy's misogynistic, racist jab at Vice President Kamala Harris

Opinions from Statesman readers

U.S. Rep. Chip Roy, R-Hays County, recently referred to Vice President Kamala Harris as a "DEI [diversity, equity, and inclusion] vice president"...No doubt, Roy meant that President Joe Biden selected Harris as his running mate only because of her race, ethnicity, and gender. Why couldn't Harris have been chosen based on merit? ... How is Biden's choice any different from past presidential nominees who "balanced the ticket" based on geography and religion?

Stephen Shackelford, Austin resident

The Democrats just outplayed the MAGA Republicans brilliantly. ... Now, younger, vibrant [Democratic] candidates will be running for presidency...Meanwhile, MAGA Republicans are stuck with an elderly, lying, narcissistic, convicted con man and an unpopular playbook.

Cynthia High, Dripping Springs resident

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Read more: Texas' Chip Roy played the race card against Kamala Harris | Letters to the Editor