

Faith: Understanding deviants

Certainty is Boring. Learning is Exciting.

Published July 25, 2024 at 4:09pm by

As the US hurtles towards the November presidential election, tensions are high and divisions sharpen. In this charged atmosphere, Reverend David Wallace, co-founder of Metanoia Journey, asks: "How can I hold my internal peace and foster understanding for those I disagree with?"

The world is rife with labels that separate us: Russia vs Ukraine, Israel vs Palestine. These divisions extend to religion, with over 2,600 Christian denominations, each claiming absolute truth. Wallace reflects on the human need to belong and how it can lead to extreme behaviors: from building fences to avoid seeing a neighbor's rainbow flag to violent clashes between sports fans.

Metanoia Journey offers a different path. Its teachings encourage understanding and non-judgment, recognizing that everyone is a child of the same Creative Loving Force. Wallace invites us to contemplate: "If I truly understood someone, I wouldn't disagree." It's a call to move beyond "us vs them," embracing differences without becoming defined by them.

As Richard Rohr wisely said, "Our point of view is a view from a point."

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Read more: Faith: Building understanding with people of different beliefs