

Congress: Help US victims of terrorism.

Terrorism destroyed an Austin family. We demand action, not empty words, from Congress.

Published July 26, 2024 at 5:59am by

A Promise to Victims of Terrorism: It's Time to Deliver

Eight years ago, my family was celebrating Bastille Day in Nice, France, when a terrorist attack changed our lives forever. A truck drove into the crowd, killing 86 people, including our father, Sean, and our 11-year-old brother, Brodie. [#]

That day, our lives were shattered, and we struggled to heal while seeking justice. We learned we could sue those responsible and in 2021, we sued the Syrian government. Last week, a federal court ruled in our favor, acknowledging Syria's role.

However, we won't receive real relief as the U.S. Victims of State Sponsored Terrorism (USVSST) Fund, created by Congress in 2015 to help American victims of state-sponsored terrorism, is broken. The fund is depleted, and victims like us aren't receiving the monetary awards granted by the courts.

The recently introduced bipartisan American Victims of Terrorism Compensation Act in the House addresses these issues. We met with Senator John Cornyn, our advocate in Washington, who promised to champion this effort in the Senate and ensure the fund receives the intended monetary sums.

We urge Senator Cornyn to fulfill his promise and get this bill across the finish line. Congress must show state sponsors of terror that they will be held accountable and deliver on their promise to victims like my family.

Maegan and Austin Copeland, Austin

[#] https://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-07-15/nice-attack-at-basteille-day-celebrations-in-france/7603226

Read more: Congress should deliver on its promise to help U.S. victims of terrorism | Opinion